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Thursday, March 8, 2012

So my question is do you think that people being involved with this much technology is good for our society? drews answer

This technology is good for our society..however it is being abused!!! The technology is good because it helps us keep in touch with people from all over the world. However i see lots of people texting each otehr when there only 3 feet away....
that is ridiculous!!! If we keep on abusing technology our life spans will get much shorter and we will become an awful society. We also use technology way to much... i am infront of a screen for most of a day usually. It is sad but it keeps me entertained. However technology is very helpful for certain activities...such as volleyball scorekeeping and it is a great way to time sports. Another sport is helps alot in is curling. They have sensors in the rock to let you know if you held on to it for to long. Technology can be helpful in many different ways. However it is being abused immensely throughtout the world. One last thing it helps is for the government. We use the new technology to talk to other countries and keep us on track for dates and important meetings.

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