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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lavender's Third Post

I think technology is changing the world we live in for better and worse.  For example, I had lost contact with one of my childhood best friends when I left British Columbia, but I was able to reconnect with her via Face Book. We did not have each other’s phone numbers or mailing addresses, so we weren’t able to communicate, until she found be on Face Book. 
It is defiantly changing our society for the worse. It is hard to hang out with people when they are all just bent over their iPhones and Blackberries texting other people who aren’t there. I don’t have a cell phone, so I always feel left out when this happens. People are spending their lives chatting with people they already know, making no attempt to make new friends out in the real world.
Technology is just getting started, and it will keep getting more and more invasive into our lives, so we need to learn to use it in moderation to enhance, not deplete our lives.

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