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Thursday, March 8, 2012

In my opinion this society has changed in so many ways that we no longer no how to have a good conversation on the phone or face-to-face. Now the conversations are down to hey, what’s up, nothing much you? I don’t think this is good for our society because we now are spending money on all these fancy iPods or cell phones when we have a house phone. These can be helpful if you have a car or you need to get a hold of your parents but we are using them for the wrong reasons in my opinion. Some people choose to live this way and doesn’t change their life’s that have been corrupted by facebook second life and YouTube and twitter. When people are sitting beside their friends and they get bored so they text their friends they aren’t with and then they waste the time with the friends that they want to be with and then they wonder why they didn’t get to talk to each other.

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